svētdiena, 2011. gada 22. maijs

„Starpgalaktiskais Pasaules Galu centrs” atvainojas par sagādātaja neērtībām


„Starpgalaktiskais Pasaules Galu centrs” AS vēlas pateikties, ka Jūs esiet izvēlējies mūs par savu sadarbības partneri.

Atsaucoties uz mūsu 20.05.2011.nosūtīto paziņojumu par Pasaules Galu, vēlamies atvainoties Jums par radušos situāciju un sagādātajām neērtībām, nosūtot Jums vēstuli, kurā ir norādīta nekorekta informācija par Pasaules Gala datumu 2011. gada 22. maijs plkst 4:00.

Iepriekš minētā kļūda radusies tehnisku iemeslu dēļ un šobrīd tā ir novērsta. Vēlamies informēt, ka  īstais Pasaules Gals ir plānots 22.12.2012 un pašlaik Jums vēl nav nepieciešams veikt vēstulē minētās darbības (grēku izsūdzēšana, radinieku apziņošana, bunkuru rakšana).

Vēlreiz atvainojamies par sagādātajām neērtībām!

Ar cieņu,
Jūsu Starpgalaktiskais Pasaules Galu Centrs
Tālrunis informācijai: +4853330 2238 2322110 49589640 454

Lūk tā…

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 19. maijs

Auto Draft

Best prank call EVER (mobistar video)


One year of inspiration in one minute...


Linda Leen "Smells like teen spirit" LIVE @ Arena Riga 14.02.2011


Pro Photographer VS Cheap Camera


Rammstein - Du hast (Padomju laika versija)


trešdiena, 2011. gada 18. maijs

Schiller feat. September - Breathe [Live]


Eclectic Method - The Apocamix



Cadbury "Monks" Directed by Erik Van Wyk


Erik Van Wyk's latest offering is a breathtaking piece of human whimsy for Cadbury's Glass And A Half Productions filmed entirely on location in rural China. Visual authenticity and pitch perfect performances formed the basis for creating and capturing a surreal moment of pure joy.

Working with untrained talent did not come without its challenges, although integral to Erik's vision for balancing respect with a heartfelt connection towards the reclusive and charming monks. Van Wyk, 'What this endearing group does so beautifully and simply, is reflect humanity back to us. The part of humanity we like.' As always, Executive Producer/Producer Melina McDonald made the impossible possible.


[soundcloud url=""]

pirmdiena, 2011. gada 16. maijs

Es Esmu pret referendumu par latviešu valodu

Kārtējo reizi informācijas telpā ir saasinājušās sarunas par Latviskām skolā. Ne reizi vien jau esmu izteicis savas domas par šo tēmu. Šodien pie manis vairākkārtīgi atceļoja kāds video kur viss ir skaidri un gaiši izskaidrots. Tā kā man šī nebeidzamā cīņa strap „labo” un „ļauno” šķiet,  kā pompozs politiskais cirks, kurš pie saprātīga rezultāta nenovedīs, es nolēmu paskatīties video ar domu, nu ko tad īsti man piedāvā, ja tā drīkst izteikties.


Diemžēl jau pirmajās minutēs mani pārsteidza, kā ar dažiem cipariem tiek pūderēti cilvēkiem prāti. Citēju: 39% mazākumtautību skolēni savas zināšanas valsts valodā novērtē kā „sliktas” vai „ļoti sliktas” – mani uzreiz piesaistīja uzmanību tas, ka skolēni vērtēja savas zināšanas paši. Ja man uzdotu šādu jautājumu es savas Latviešu valodas zināšanas arī vērtēju kā sliktas, par svešvalodām droši vien teiktu ka „ļoti sliktas” tātad 2 trešdaļas citautiešu savas zināšanas vērtē kā labas. Ja šādu pētījumu veiktu Latviešu skolās rezultāti protams būtu 90% „Labas” zināšanas, tikai dēļ spītīga lepnuma, un kauna no sabiedrības nosodījuma, par citu atbildi. Patiesie cipari pieļauju, arī nemaz nebūtu ļoti spīdoši tautiešu vidū.

Daudz jaunieši skatās TV pārraides krievu valodā un tā nonāk CITĒJU: naidīga informācijas telpā.  Te nu gan ir jāliek trekns punkts. Kas par sviestu? Es skatos daudzu krievu kanālus, tāpat arī ziņas, skatos arī CNN un BBC, ak ne piemirsu Rietumi taču nevar būt naidīgi. Hmm un ko man darīt ar kanālu Al Jazeera. Ļoti labs ziņu kanāls, kļuvis par vienu no vadošajiem pēdējā laikā pasaulē, bet viņš atpoguļo austrumus, piedre musulmāņiem un raida angliski. Ja skaitam visus šos kritērijus kopā esmu šķiet sliktāks par Hitleru un man jau sen vajadzēja atrasties peklē. Vai kaut kā tā nesanāk? Ieteikums tikai viens domājiet ar galvu paši un neskrieniet līdiz naidu kurinošiem un populistiskiem saukļiem.

Nu tad jau laiks arī ķerties klāt pie integrācijas un naida. Tātad mēs baidāmies no milzīgā, kā no video sapratu, krievalodīgo cilvēku pieplūduma latvijā. Viņi nevēloties integrēties. Bla bla bla, kā vienmēr. Atkal liekam lielu STOP. Nedzīvojam pagātnē, paskatiet jaunumus un turpmākās prognozes par iespējamo iebraucēju pieplūdumu. Ļoti minimāls ir paredzams krievalodīgi runājošo cilvēku pieplūdums. Mums būtu jāsāk skatīties tālāk uz austrumiem un zemāk uz dienvidiem. Protams ka visas šīs sarunas par vienu un otru referndumu naidu tikai uzkurina, varbūt tas ir par skarbu teikts, bet tāds ir mans viedoklis.

Par to ka Latvijas piederīgie nevarot pieprasīt lai mūsu bērnus mācītu Īrija Latviešu skolās u.t.t bet Krievvalodīgiem šeit Latvijā to varot. Vai Latvija ir izņēmums? - atvainojiet video autori, bet ir gan. Un kādēļ Latvija ir izņēmums Jūs (tie kas to nezin) variet to palasīt vēstures grāmatās. Diez vai Jūs tur atradīsiet arī ierakstus par valstīm kuras ilgu laiku periodu ir bijušas Latvijas pakļautībā, bet pēc neatkarības atgūšanas, lai arī tur joprojām aptuveni 40% valsts piederīgo ir latvieši, šī valsts jau pirmajos gados izskauda valodas problēmas un "apspieda" savas integrācijas problēmas. Ja nu es tomēr kļūdos tad varbūt man kāds pastāstīs kur atrodas kāda šāda valsts?

Vēl, par pastiprinātu svešvalodu mācīšanu citēju atspēkojumu no video šim mītam: Pie saprātīgas interpretācijas šī norma ir pilnībā savietojama ar svēšvalodu mācīšanu. (citāta beigas) saprātīgas interpretācijas – šis vardu salikums mani ļoti biedē, zinot cik reizēm saprātīgi lēmumi un likumi tiek pieņemti un interpretācija ir daudz stiepjamāks jēdziens. Ka tik beigās nebūs ta ka katrs interpertēs pa savam, tiesas, strīdi un daudz visādu citādu muļķību. Daudz un dažādas interpretācijas Jūs katru 3dienu varat paklausīties LTV raidījumā „kas notiek Latvijā”, ja jums tas par sarežģītu palasiet interneta portālos komentārus, tās arī ir daudz un dažādas intepretācijas

Protams iesaku arī jums visiem palasīt padomāt un parēķināt visu šo cirku naudiskā un ciparu ziņā, sapratīsiet ka prieka maz, naudas daudz, cerības un iespējas ko mainīt diezgan utopiskas, bet visu jau es Jums priekšā arī nerakstīšu, pameklējiet paši palsiet un padomājiet

Lai jums jauks vakars

Latvijai jauns prezidents (LTV ziņu Fail ar Medveģeva kungu)

Diemžēl sīkāk nekas netiek atrasts, tikpat labi tas varētu būt kāds photoshopa meistara joks, spriediet paši

Pulp Fiction and The Simpsons


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+100500 Мега Пати


Etienne de Crecy - No Brain


Directed by Fleur & Manu
Produced by DIVISION
Post production by MATHEMATIC

Videoclip now available on iTunes in high definition !​gwmTBT

Also included into BEATS 'N' CUBES VOLUME 1 release !​ih5Vpn​etiennedecrecy​pages/​Etienne-de-Crécy/​161679867179053

F5 2011 RE:PLAY Film Festival. Inductance


“Happy” was the theme we were given by the organizers for this year's F5 Re:Play Fest, held in April in NYC, to create this edition's pieces, probably the hardest thing to convey in any artistic expression. After a good deal of introspection, and teaming up with awesome motion graphics artist Gerardo del Hierro, we decided that happy wasn't happy for Physalia unless pliers, microchips and a bit of soldering were involved, and with this idea we resolved to create the happiest machine Physalia has built to date.


Direction: Physalia ( ) & Gerardo del Hierro (​ )
Music: Fernando Dominguez

Holy Fuck - The Pulse/SHT MTN - Live


ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 12. maijs

Pat Hitlers zināja, ka uz Eirovīziju jāsūta Lauris, neviss Musiqq


Teleport Through Norway


The movie from our trip to Norway (and 3 other countries). Within two weeks we drove about 6000 km. Eeehm ... actually, we teleport through 6000 km ;)

This is the shorter version of the movie. Long version here:​19670507

Oslo, Rondane, Gothenburg, Lofoten, Trondheim, Bodo.

DJ Rkod - Lies


[soundcloud url=""]

Slot - voodoo doll


Boy Mandeville - Killing The Work


Written by Boy Mandeville
Recorded at Preche Studios, London, UK
Engineered by Jono Cary
Produced By Boy Mandeville
Video by Juliette Hamon Damourette & Jao Eka M'Changama (

trešdiena, 2011. gada 11. maijs

Meklējam maketētāju – Illustrators + Photoshops (darba sludinājums - varbūt kādam noder)

Par uzņēmumu:
Mēs esam neliela, šauri specializēta pārtikas un nepārtikas (FMCG) produktu iepakojuma dizaina aģentūra, kas nodarbojas ar liela apjoma radoša un tehniska rakstura iepakojuma dizaina pakalpojumiem, grafiskām, FMCG mārketinga un drukas konsultācijām.

Pieredzējušu mākslinieku- maketētāju pilnai darba slodzei (9-18), darbam pie iepakojuma dizaina projektiem gan radošajā, gan tehniskā izpildījuma laukā. Aptuvenā proporcija- 30% radošā / 70% tehniskā.
Darba valoda- latviešu un angļu.

Darbu izteikti profesionālā kolektīvā un atmosfērā, lielisku biroju, sakarīgus kolēģus, labas mēbeles, kondicionieri, labu ēdnīcu, ikdienas apmācību, kursus laiku pa laikam. Darbs pie mac 27”, CS5 utt. Būs arī grāmatvedība, kas nekavējas, garantijas, atvaļinājumi utt.

Neder darbinieki, kas nepazīst kalendāru un pulksteni, atkārto vienas un tās pašas kļūdas trīs reizes, neprot iekļauties kopējā darbu plūsmā.
Neder mākslinieki, kas nepazīst Photoshop un Illustartor kā savus piecus pirkstus (vienai rokai), kā arī tādi, kam patīk bieži nodarboties ar blakuslietām darba laikā un vietā. Tiem, kas nemaz nezina angļu valodu būs ļoti grūti.

Pirms uzsākam sarunas, mums vajadzētu kandidāta CV un portfolio.
Par atalgojumu- atbilstoši industrijas tradīcijām, pretendenta spējām un kvalifikācijai.


12. maijā policijas reids velobraucējiem kampaņas "Velosipēdu redzi?" ietvaros

Šī gada 12. maijā Ceļu satiksmes drošības direkcijas (CSDD) organizētās kampaņas “Velosipēdu redzi?” ietvaros Valsts policijas Satiksmes uzraudzības birojs organizē reidu, kura laikā ceļu policijas darbinieki kontrolēs, kā velosipēdisti ievēro ceļu satiksmes noteikumus. Īpašu uzmanību policijas darbinieki pievērsīs nepieciešamā velosipēdistu ekipējuma lietošanai.

Uz vietas būs iespēja intervēt arī Valsts policijas Galvenās kārtības policijas pārvaldes Prevencijas pārvaldes priekšnieku  Edmundu Zivtiņu.

Plašsaziņas līdzekļu pārstāvji aicināti pulcēties 12. maijā  pulksten 11:00 Rīgā, Ropažu un Vairogu ielas krustojumā (pie VEF kultūras pils). Dalību lūdzam pieteikt pa tālruņiem 67075014 vai 29374566.

(Protams tas ir tikai apsveicam un pareizi, bet tāpat šķiet ka rīt braukšu uz darbu ar sabiedrisko transportu, jo nav ķiveres, pārējiem kuri jau tagad zin ka ar viņu velo nav viss kārtībā iesaku padomāt jau laicīgi un aiztaupīt sev iespējamas problēmas)

Moby - After


Directed by Ricardo Uhagon Vivas
Produced by WATERGUN.TV

Co-director: Stefan Pavlovic
Editor: Jorge Sandoval
VFX Supervisor: Gabe Valente Ferrao

Cinematographer: Chris Saul
B Camera Operator: Aaron Shapiro
Additional photography: Ricardo Uhagon Vivas, Stefan Pavlovic and Erik Anderson

Assistant Director: Rafa Sanz
Sound Mix: Nacho Lopez
Make Up: Pauline Noriega
Prop Master: Eric Fisher
Lightboards courtesy of Photon Lightboards

+100500 - Мальчик и Мячик


pirmdiena, 2011. gada 9. maijs

Patiesība, kāpēc Osamu bin Ladenu apglabāja jūrā


We Be Vib'n (dubstep set download)

[soundcloud url=""]

Orelha Negra - M.I.R.I.A.M. X Vhils


Vhils x Orelha Negra Collaboration


Direction and edition: Vhils aka Alexandre Farto
Photography Director: Vasco Viana
Executive Producer and Additional Post Production: CINEMACTIV
Pyrotechnics: Pirotec
Production Assistance: Leonor Viegas
Help and Support: Alexander Silva, João Vidinha, Jucapinga, ±, Fidel and Fábrica Braço de Prata

svētdiena, 2011. gada 8. maijs

Brain Farm - The Art of Flight Trailer


Just when you thought the producers of “That’s It, That’s All” couldn’t top themselves comes a new breed of snowboarding entertainment.

“The Art of FLIGHT” follows Travis Rice, John Jackson, Mark Landvik, Scotty Lago, Jake Blauvelt, Nicolas Muller, Gigi Ruf, DCP and Pat Moore as they dream up new global adventures and progress the sport to unimaginable levels.

Brain Farm has gathered an arsenal of the most advanced and progressive filmmaking technology to bring the masses a snowboarding adventure of epic proportions. Filmed on location in Jackson Hole, Alaska, Chile, Aspen, Patagonia, British Columbia and more, FLIGHT brings the viewer along for the perfect blend of adventure/travel drama and high-energy snowboarding action.

“The Art of FLIGHT” releases September 2011.

piektdiena, 2011. gada 6. maijs

ksubi kolors


Cult Australian fashion label ksubi, toast the long awaited return of their coloured denim range, with a short film directed by Australian director Daniel Askill. kolors is a fume-fuelled, slow-motion battle between three colour-clad models and a trio of ‘80s muscle cars.

With the ksubi team securing the very last sets of limited edition coloured tyres by Kumho available in Australia they then enlisted Askill and his team at Collider to fuse the vivid smoke with the spectral denim range. Models Bambi Northwood-Blythe, Cisco Gorrow and Heidi Harrington-Johnson act as modern-day matadors to the rumbling Ford's that attempts to hunt them down while the girls soar above the cars to an operatic soundtrack.

Shot next to Sydney’s Kingsford Smith International Airport in barren industrial wasteland that car fanatics converge on after dark and with a Phantom camera, Askill captures each and every denim movement and smoke billow at 1500 frames per second.

The Guest


"In a society where we take care of each other with bullets, the old widow Elsa is trapped in old habits. When her lonely dinner gets brutally interrupted, Elsa makes a decision that changes more than her own life, understanding that Paradise is lost without others."

Visit the official website:



Director: Jonathan Gurvit
Production Company:
DOP: Atahualpa Rojas Bermudez
Art direction: Sole Calvano
Stylist: Clarisa Furtado
Postproduction: PICKLE
Colour: Cinecolor
Music: Papamusic

What the World Would Be Like Without Twitter

WestCoast Don15 min filth.FM

[soundcloud url=""]

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 5. maijs

How you found me? I follow you on twitter


Robbery (Social ecological ad) fantastiska reklāma


lieliska sociālā reklāma  no krievijas

Director - Andriy Mykhnyuk (
Idea - Andriy Mykhnyuk, Ruslan Fedotow
Director of Photography - Ruslan Fedotow (
Music - Kasabian "Fast Fuse"

Roll a D6


This is a spoof music video I wrote and directed. Its based of the song "Like a G6" by Far East Movement. I hope you enjoy it!

trešdiena, 2011. gada 4. maijs

LieneCandy "Party Aint Over" (ievērtē jauno video klipu, pilnīgs ārprāts :D )


lai arī klips ir filmēts Amerikā bla blā blā, blā blā. blā blā - pilnīga izgāzšanās :D :D

kaut ko nedaudz atgādina, nedaudz senāku un filmētu tepat latvijā, hmm vai tik A Eiropai nebija diezgan kvalitātes un izpildījuma ziņā tuvs klips savulaik?

otrdiena, 2011. gada 3. maijs

Mayfest Portraits 2011


wonderful people on a wonderful college day.

April 29 2011

I-Réel - Showreel 2011


(uncommercial video)


I-Réel is a creative digital design agency
We design & develop marketing and communication supports which include 3D films and still images, visual identity, websites and interactive applications.

Concrete Knives - "Greyhound Racing"
You can't blame the Youth - EP
©2011 Aka Publishing / Family Tree​concreteknives

Beardyman's Essential Mix - aired on Radio1 22/1/12

[soundcloud url=""]

ELLE Brasil (video)


pirmdiena, 2011. gada 2. maijs

Osama bin Ladena nāve - Viltojums

ASV izplatītās bildes ar bin Ladena nāvi man prasīja tikai dažās minūtes darba lai sapratu, ka kaut kas ar tām bildēm nav labi, lūk rezultāts: pārliecinieties paši

no kreisās: Osama miris, kolāža, Osama bilde no 1998 gada

Live Beardyman "Unshaved" @ the Udderbelly


Beardyman live @ the Udderbelly, London, England June 2010.

ShadowMachine-VS-Burnstar-April-23-2011 (dubstep download)

[soundcloud url=""]

Lielā talka un Rīgas pašvaldība - divas nesavienojamas lietas

Mani nedaudz  nošokēja kāda lieta saistība ar lielo talku un Rīgas domi, protams ja pareizi saprotu abas šī slietas nav nekādi saistītas.

Mani vairāk ieinteresēja kāda vieta netālu no manas dzīvesvietas, kur ziemas sezonā tika vests Rīgas ielu sniegs. Protams tas viss būtu ok, jo sniegs bija daudz un es pat neko nepārmetu par to ka naktīs nevarēju gulēt dēļ traktoriem u.t.t, kas jādara jādara.

Pienāca silts laiks, sniegs izkusa "mēsli" palika, mana pēdējā naivā cerība bija, ka Rīgas dome kopā ar talku satīrīs to ko paši ir apzināti piemēslojuši. Nu kaut kā nesmuki sanāk, paši labi zinādāmi piecūko un pēc tam neliekas ne zinis, bet protams talkas laikā sapratu, tā ir tikai naiva mana cerība, ka kaut kas tiks sakopts.

var jau būt ka es kļūdos un šī ir kāda privāta teritorija, tādēļ arī pašvaldība neliekas ne zinis, bet tad ir jautājums kāda velna pēc ir jāved sniegs uz privātīpašumu? Attiecīgi ja tas ir privātīpašums vai nu saimniekam ir maksāta nauda, vai arī tas tikai darīts nelegāli?

Pilna izmēra attēls:

Īsāk sakot nesaprotu kādēļ, ir apzināti jātaisa jaunas "miskastes" klusiņām nevienam neredzot un pēc tam jāizliekas par labdariem? Paši atvainojos par izteicienu "piedirsāt" paši varējāt prasties kauna un arī satīrīt

Lai jums jauka diena!

The XX - Islands


Fan Video,
Starring Lana Kohn

Please Visit

svētdiena, 2011. gada 1. maijs

Wilcox Sessions - Moby (Porcelain)


featuring Rebecca Ward on violin

Moby stopped by the living room to play some songs from his new album, Destroyed, which comes out May 17th. Afterward he treated us to this acoustic version of Porcelain, one of our favorite songs. It was surreal to hear such a pervasive tune in the comfort of our humble abode. Thanks Moby!

Baths - Lovely Bloodflow


Directed by Alex Takacs and Joe Nankin
DP: Adam Kauper
AC: Andrew Taylor
Wardobe: Lina Lund Mortensen

piektdiena, 2011. gada 29. aprīlis

Ieraksti komentāriņu, Lovīte

Kļūšu rupjšs. Bļin es it kā nojautu ka ir kāda saujiņa „īpaši” apdāvināu cilvēku kurus man nekad neizprast, bet es nedomāju ka šie cilvēki ir tik nospiedošs pārsvar sociālajos tīklos. Es vienkārši nespēju saprast vai patiesi liela daļa jauniešu ir tik debīli? Tas ir reāls jautājums, kuru esmu izsecinājis no saviem novērojumiem. Pirmkārt jau cilvēkiem, lai cik tas dīvani nebūtu ir slinkums lasīt un saprast pat angliski rakstītus virsrakstus – kas notiek? Intereses pēc dažus ierakstu tulkoju latviski un jūs neticēsiet, atsaucība bija daudz lielāka nekā šim pašam tekstam angliski. Otrs jautājums, nekad nesapratīšu pēc kādiem principiiem lielākā daļa jauniešu dalās informācijā ar saviem draugiem – respektīvi, kā Tu vari ieteikt saviem paziņām izlasīt vai apskatīt kaut ko, ja pats neesi to pat redzējis (šis secinājusm arī no personīgās pieredzes, kā var būt ieteikumi, ja tanī pat laikā raksta statistikā rēgojas apaļa nulle??? Man tas nav izprotams) Turpinam tālāk, ar nožēlu jāatzīst, ka pats nespēju izdomāt kaut ko tik trulu lai tas patiktu jauniešu masām, savukārt šie paši cilvēki kāpj uz vien un tā paša grābekļa atkal un atkal, ja viņiem pat ar karotīti iebaro „re tas jau ir bijis, šeit un šeit un nemaz ne tik sen” tāpat jēgas nekādas.

Es vienkārši nesaprotu, mēs te varam brēkt par politiku, nodokļiem globālām lietām u.t.t bet tajā pat laikā jauniešiem ir svarīgāk, lai viņiem būtu vairāk komentāru albūmā, pie tam ja Tu uzraksti ko sakarīgu vai pamatotu kritiku (atvainojos, bet uzskatu ka vismaz 90% no bildēm kuras ikdienā skatos dažādos sociālajos tīklos ir totāls mēsls) kļūsti par nācijas ienaidnieku, tiek pieņemti komentāri, ne vairāk kā 3 vārdu garumā (laikam vairāk šie ļautiņi nespēj uztvert vienā teikumā) un vēl tie debīlie smaidiņi.

Ja pirms kāda laika vēl mani draugi pasmējās, kad kādā sarunā paspruka termins, vispārēja debilizācija, tad tagad paskatoties uz visu tā no malas tas vairs nemaz nešķiet uzjautrinoši. Mani šokē tas, ka ir cilvēki kuri līdz filmas par japānas katastrofu nemaz nenojauta kas tur ir noticis, bet vēl vairāk mani biedē ka ir milzīgs daudzums jauniešu kuri noteikti vēl tagad neko tādu nezin.

Vēl nesen kaut kur pa ausu galam lasīju par labākajiem daudzsološajiem hiphopa maksliniekiem, ārprāts. Ja tie ir mākslinieki tad es esmu nēģeris, intereses pēc mēģināju noklausīties pa dziesmai no katra „māklsinieka” – nesanāca, neizturēju pat pa pantiņam. Nožēlojami

Žēl, šķiet ka nāksies mest akmeni izglītības sistēmas lauciņā, es pabeidzu kādu skolu (kura diemžēl nu jau ir slēgta – strukturālo reformu dēļ) un šī skola deva ļoti daudz, varētu teikt paplašināja skolēnu redzes loku  plašāk par komenrāriem draugiem albūmos, bet kas notiek tagad?

Labi šim vakaram pietiks, paturpināšu kādu citu dienu, kad man šie murdulaki ar saviem dīvainajiem lūgumiem un ieteikumiem atkal būs līdz kaklam, tāpat zinu ka nevien no viņiem nav spējīgs tik garu tekstu izlasīt un saprast – bet ja tomēr kāds atrodas „ieraksti komentāriņu” :D :D

Lai Jums jauks vakars

Egypt: After The Revolution


Documentary shot on the Canon 5D Mark II with Zeiss Compact Prime Lenses in Egypt after the revolution in March 2011. Pyramid time-lapse bought as stock footage from​

Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 with Magic Bullet Mojo

Transformers 3 Dark Of The Moon Theatrical Trailer


Cool Runnings - I Am You (Star Slinger Remix)


my ongoing obsession with Star Slinger continues
This video is an experiment with music and motion

Please check out Star Slinger:​home.html

Ļoti noderīgi - Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts (full pdf)

Tikai pirms pāris dienām pieķēru sevi pie domas, ka lai arī dienu dienā strādāju ar photoshop un visu laiku izmantoju - Keyboard Shortcuts, daudzi nesaprot ko es daru un kā es to panāku.  Tad nu sapratu ka Jums varētu ļoti noderēt aprakst ar PS īsceļiem. Atzīšos ka pats arī visus nezinu un tādēļ ļoti sapriecājos par šo failu, tiesa šis gan ir CS2 paredzēts pdf fails, bet lielos vilcienos jau nekas diži nemainās un tiem kas zin un jūt atšķirību šis fails pavisam noteikti nav vajadzīgs.

Tātad  šeit ir atrodamas ļoti noderīgas lietas visiem tiem kuriem ir (vai arī nav) kāda sajēga kas ir PS un tiem kuri šo programmu izmanto biežāk kā reizi mēnesī

Ļoti ceru ka Jums noderēs

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 28. aprīlis

Lakshmi's Grandmother


This is a documentary of sorts about the finding of Lakshmi's long lost grandmother. The two have never met and we ported in India with a city and a name. We searched the city of Pondycherry and came to an amazingly unreal conclusion.

Dienvid parks reāli ierēc par "Apple" un viņu izsekošanas skandālu (video) :D :D :D



Lift & Laugh - Orange Fanta Soda. Funny Hidden Camera Prank


Check out the new 2011 Orange Fanta Soda "Lift & Laugh" funny hidden camera prank. Bored of elevator rides? Us too! These college kids had no idea what they were in for when they stepped on the Fanta party elevator. More Fanta, Less Serious.

The Snoz - berries taste like snoz-berries (dubstep download)

[soundcloud url=""]

Apache by oneedo (Labrīt visiem, video jaukai dienai!!!)


Music video for the band Danger Beach on Dream Damage Records.
Their album Milky Way can be downloaded here:​2010/​07/​danger-beach/​
Directed by Ned Wenlock
Character animation by Rodney Selby

trešdiena, 2011. gada 27. aprīlis

Pilnīgs vāks, reklāma pat Brain spēlītē. WTF?

Esmu šokā - reklāmas ir it visur, un diezgan nekaunīgas

pilna izmēra attēls:

Reporters without borders - The voice

Lūk tā ir kreatīva pieeja, izmantojot jaunās tehnoloģijas. Fantastiska ideja un lielisks izpildījums


Publicis Brussels made a new campaign for Reporters Without Borders. Discover it here.

Noisia - Shellshock (feat. Foreign Beggars) (Official Video)



Noisia - "To celebrate this amazing new video by Tony Truand we are giving away 'Shellshock' for free. Its been about a year since we released Split the Atom :O More news soon!"

nav ko lēkt augstāk par savu D.... :) Ziņu aģentūrai LETA uzbrukuši hakeri

Citēju: "Dargie kolegji, pirms publicet apshaubamu specialistu viedokjlus par nelielu serveru hostingu kompanijam un diskutetu par kompetenci, ietiektu tomer parskatit sho nomelnojosho zinju saturu, un parstat publicet shos aizvainojoshos reklamrakstus. Ka redzat- nekas nav drosh un neuzlauzhams- JA vajag, tapec nevajag lekt augstak par savu d. Paldies par uzmanibu. Hakeris. Atsauce"

3x3 by Nuno Rocha


Miss Nyx-E Presents Generate 2011 (dubstep download)

[soundcloud url=""]

LiKE by Switchback Entertainment


This is our entry for the 2011 72hr Filmmaker Showdown at the Telus World Ski & Snowboard Festival in Whistler, BC.

50 teams had 72 hours to fully produce a 3 -5 minute film. As the competition started each team was given a prop which had to appear in their film for at least 5 seconds. This year's prop was a green apple.

Although we didn't win, we were very happy to be selected to the final with a bunch of great films.



A tribute to Daft Punk and their amazing soundtrack for "Tron: legacy"
Track: "Derezzed" / Album: "Tron: legacy"

Directed & Animated by Arnaud Faure.

NB: It's a personnal project, I'm not affiliated with the production in any way. Just a huge fan of Daft Punk.

otrdiena, 2011. gada 26. aprīlis

And the Living is Easy


"And the Living is Easy" de Guts pour son premier album solo "Guts Le Bienheureux".

Des images de "La Honte de la Jungle" par Picha
Une musique de GUTS (album "Guts le Bienheureux")​gutslebienheureux
Un clip de SEBOMBADIL ​sebombadil

Moby 'The Day' Official video featuring Heather Graham


Official video for the first single to be taken from Moby's forthcoming album (and photo book) 'Destroyed'. The video features Heather Graham alongside Moby and was directed by Evan Bernard and eyeball.

More info on 'The Day' and 'Destroyed' here:

Video Director: Evan Bernard and eyeball:
Video Producer: Kerri Kleiner
Production Company: Hello And Company

The Stars on Facebook


DESIGN & LIVE ACTION REEL 2010 by Danny Yount


Music by Venetian Snares

+100500 - Трехочковый


piektdiena, 2011. gada 22. aprīlis

What happens right after 6.6 billion people disappear?


Legend Of The Golden Egg Warrior


Happy Easter From Your Friends at Crush.

CUSTOMTONE by Fracture & Neptune feat. Martin Fieber


ASTROPHONICA in collaboration with UTILE present the video for Customtone by Fracture & Neptune, featuring Martin Fieber.

Created to celebrate the launch of the album 'Retrospect - a Decade of Fracture & Neptune', UTILE (Emilski and Nick Duggins) take us on a psychedelic journey into the Astrophonica universe.

Customtone features the lap steel talent of Martin Fieber and will be available as part of a limited edition 12" sampler for the the album. The sleeve art for this release will be hand printed and individually numbered by Emilski and willl be available at the end of May 2011

‘Retrospect – A Decade Of Fracture & Neptune’ is an 18 track, digital LP that brings together the classic, always cosmic, Fracture & Neptune sound from the year 2000 right up to the current date. Some released faves, some unreleased, some brand new and some unheard tracks from the vaults! All wonderfully remastered by Bob Macc and sounding better than ever. Release date end of May 2011.

Find out more about the album here -​retrospect-lp-a-decade-of-fracture-neptune/​

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 21. aprīlis

Vodafone - The Evolution of Mobile


Vodafone - The Evolution of Mobile. Using cutting edge 3D Projection Vodafone bring you The Evolution of Mobile. This is the first small-scale projection mapping installation using a hand-held camera. From the Motorola brick through to the first text message and colour screen to GPS and Android. The question is, what's next?

Latvijā top filma "Cilvēki tur" (filma par "Urlu" dzīvi Rīgas rajonos) Video Treileris


vairāk info šeit:

Video Motion Inspiration

FutureDeluxe Motion Reel 2011


Created by FutureDeluxe / /​futuredeluxe

Audio - Lykke Li / Get Some /​

Metamaterial by Dima Grubin


Metamaterials are artificial materials engineered to have properties that may not be found in nature.
Метаматериа́л — материал, природные свойства которого обусловлены не столько природными физическими свойствами, сколько периодической микроструктурой создаваемой человеком.

Song - Kings of Leon - Closer

reel '11 by gabor ekes


music // Fratres for Violin and Piano - Arvo Part Remix, Beats Antique

trešdiena, 2011. gada 20. aprīlis

Cookie Monster Nightmare

The T-Mobile Royal Wedding - nevarētu teikt, ka ļoti oriģināli

Šis video man uzreiz iekrita "sirdī" pēc Lv internet vidē izskanējušo ar kādu uzņēmumu, T-Mobile arīdzan neuzvedas diez ko oriģināli. Labi šī nav reklāma, bet vairāk kā apsveikums karaliskajam pārim ar reklāmas piegaršu. nepilni 7 milj skatījumi, žēl tikai ka nemaz ne tik sen (2009. gada jūlijā) ir tapis šis video īstās kāzās un savāci s jau 64,5 milj skatījumus.

secinājumi: šķiet ka ļoti daudziem ir tā pagrūti ar oriģinalitāti un pat īsti neveicās ar plaģiātismu

The T-Mobile Royal Wedding


JK Wedding Entrance Dance


Skittles: Park, Door, Borrow (Advertisement)




Deanna Avra & Adam Hoene - April 2011

[soundcloud url=""]

London Elektricity - Elektricity Will Keep Me Warm


The founding father of the Hospital imprint and mouthpiece of the multi-award winning, chart topping Hospital podcast, London Elektricity is a name that should need no introduction. Since starting the label in 1996, Tony Colman has carved out a fearsome reputation as one of the pre-eminent names in D&B and remains at the forefront of the scene to this day.

This incredible 12" release marks the first London Elektricity release for over two years and is the first single to be taken from his highly anticipated forthcoming album 'Yikes!' which is due out at the end of April. His last release 'All Hell Is Breaking Loose' stormed on to the Radio One playlist, proving his underground and overground credentials once again. A lot has changed since 2008's 'Syncopated City: 'this is my first release for 3 years, and features the vocals of Elsa Esmeralda who graced 'Just One Second' from my last album Syncopated City. Elsa features on 7 tracks on my new album 'Yikes', and I can safely say this is easily my best work to date. Yikes has been 2 years in the making, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it! '

COMA'S APRIL JEWELS MIX (dubstep download)

[soundcloud url=""]

otrdiena, 2011. gada 19. aprīlis

Bassnectar - IDJ Mixtape (free download)

44 minutes and 25 seconds of 10th-generation genre-re-wiring, exploring bass music through an open-minded lens, regardless of tempo, or even beat-structure… this sound clash aims straight for your body, with the intent to melt you down into a fidgeting, wobbling mess of enthusiasm and delight. In addition to some of my favorite old records and samples, this mix features several brand new bassnectar tracks, heaps of exclusive edits, re-edits, and re-re-re-edits. Lot’s of re. Lot’s of mix. Lot’s of edits. We tore our favorite drum & bass to shreds, injected hip hop with some pogo-stick bass, amped up the tempo of dubstep, freaked out the gypsies, gave a nod to the dreamy 80’s and ended up similar to where we started off: omni-tempo maximalism strikes again.

Enjoy the ride.

[soundcloud url=""]

Manchester Orchestra - "Simple Math"


Official video for Manchester Orchestra

Album Out May 10th

pirmdiena, 2011. gada 18. aprīlis

VIDEO: Ken Block crash Portugal Shakedown



Ken Block and Alex Gelsomino were on their third run over the Vale de Judeau (5.03 km) shakedown stage when the Ford Fiesta RS WRC clipped a rock and rolled several times over a bank.

A Monster World Rally Team spokesperson said: “Ken and Alex are 100 per cent fine. They went to hospital but it was a precaution because it’s better to be safe than sorry. Unfortunately when the car came back to service the scrutineer declared that it was too badly damaged and was a no-go.

“Ken is obviously disappointed and bummed out that he’s been unable to start the rally. It was his first big crash in a World Rally Car and Ken is obviously relieved that he and Alex are both okay. They’re heading back home now to prepare for their next stop on their world tour, Argentina WRC.”

Šodienas dziesma, Loch Lomond - Tic

Pat nezinu kāpēc bet patīk


Loch Lomond  - Wax and Wire


+100500 – Хрюшка С Подогревом


Danny MacAskill - "Way Back Home"


A journey from Edinburgh to Skye where Danny finds some of the most unique and remote 'street' riding along the way.

Filmed and edited by Dave Sowerby.
Additional filming by Mark Huskisson.

Loch Lomond "Wax and Wire" -
The Jezabels "A Little Piece"-

You can read about it and watch the interviews with Danny and trailers on the Red Bull website:​waybackhome

piektdiena, 2011. gada 15. aprīlis

The Power of Words (video)


This short film illustrates the power of words to radically change your message and your effect upon the world. At Purplefeather we provide powerful, optimised web content to get you noticed online. Homage to Historia de un letrero, The Story of a Sign by Alonso Alvarez Barreda Music by: Giles Lamb Filmed by Director Seth Gardner

BRANDT BRAUER FRICK live @Club Contemporary Classical


BRANDT BRAUER FRICK live at Club Contemporary Classical C3 Festival at Berghain, Berlin September 2009. Filmed by Yvonka Groeger & Richard Brzozowski.

Saturn Live Dubstep Recording [Melt-Your-Face Friday] (download)

[soundcloud url=""]

Designer vs Developer


Designer vs Developer

Anton Semenov (inspiration)


The graphic designer Anton Semenov plunges us in an atmosphere strange and surprising, where blackness and the darkness occupy an important place. This Russian artist manages to give a dark and intense environment to his various works. More images in the continuation.

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Nedaudz sarkasma par sauso likumu, ēnu ekonomiku un politiku

Nedaudz sarkastisks humors par pēdējo dienu notikumiem ar Latvijas nodokļu politiku, Šlesera kunga izteikumiem par sauso likumu un ēnu ekonomiku


Kā "mazais" Latvietis, kurai pusei Tu pievienosies? Tumšajiem ēnu spēkiem vai ...... ?

Jā protams piemirsu pierakstīts, var jau būt, ka politiķiem kā piemēram Šķēles kungam kurš vidēji dienā dažādiem sīkumiem tērē ap 2800 Ls jauni nodokļi tāds nieks vien ir.



Starring Tunde Adebimpe and Joy Bryant

Director: Dugan O'Neal
Executive Producer: Danielle Hinde
Director of Photography: David Myrick
Visual Effects: BEMO
Production Designer: Ashley Fenton and Megan Fenton
Production Manger(NYC): Ivan Bess
Editor: Dugan O'Neal and Isaiah Seret
Virtual Reality Goggles by Nikolai Haas and Simon Haas
Commissioner: Michelle An
Production CO: Doomsday Ent.


Awesome Typography Commercials by EF Language Schools

I am a huge fan of typography and when you mix typography, photography and videos? I am just speechless! This is the set of videos from the EF Language commercial campaign: "Live the Language". It's a beautiful combination of rich colours and typography work and I especially love the angles of shooting that makes you feel the action.





ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 14. aprīlis

Illustrator Daniel Mackie (Inspiration)


Daniel Mackie is a London based illustrator who  started practicing   in 1995, his illustrations have provided visual solutions to   countless briefs for editorial, publishing, design and avertising projects. He has recently abandoned Photoshop. Now Illustrations are all hand drawn with a 2B pencil and watercolour on saunders or Fabriano 300gsm paper.

[gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="9"]

Ušakovs vienkārši dedzina (par Čaku Norisu, Olafu Pulku un twitter)

Man personīgi rodas iespaids, ka šie cilvēki visas savas domstarpības, darba lietas un visu pārējo kārto ar twitter strapniecību, nevis Domē.

Rafale "Everglades" directed by Victor & Vianney


Label: Rise Recordings

Directors: Victor & Vianney
Producer: Grégory Escure
Production company: Basic Films
DoPs: Jérémie Saint-Jean & Pierre Baudais

Latest Bacardi commercial - BACARDI MANIFESTO GB


Latest Bacardi commercial from director Johnny Kelly reminding us why we are meant to be together.



EASTPAK PLAY - Director's Cut
Directors : WE ARE FROM L.A / Production: Caviar

PLAY THE LIFE-SIZE COMPUTER GAME!​eastpak.france?sk=app_10442206389

trešdiena, 2011. gada 13. aprīlis

50 reasons not to date a graphic designer

This is by no means a warning to AttentionWhore, or maybe this is – but after 8 months it may be too late, so…
(in bold my most representatives)

1. They are very weird people.
2. There are billions of them in the world, like colors on the screen of your computer.
3. They will analyse conversations in layers.
4. You will spend the day assembling furniture from IKEA.
5. They drink and eat all kinds of weird shit just because they like the packaging.
6. They hate each other.
7. You’ll come out the last out of the movies because you have to see the full list of credits.
8. They cant change a light bulb or without making a sketch.
9. They fuck up all the tables with their cutters.
10. They rather study the paisley pattern on your outfit than listen to what you have to say.
11. They will fill your house with magazines and whatever is out there that has drawings.
12. You never know if it is really an original or a copy.
13. They make collages with your photos.
14. They do not know how to add and subtract, they just understand letters.
15. They idolize people who nobody knows and speak of them as if they were his colleagues.
16. They take pictures almost daily and all are cut in weird shapes.
17. They ask your opinion about everything but  they do whatever they want.
18. Everything is left justified, right or center unless they arrive late.
19. They hate Comic Sans with the same passion they love Helvetica.
20. They use iPhone for everything, because everyone has one.
21. You can not decorate the house without consulting them.
22. They steal street signs.
23. Always carry their hands painted with something.
24. They buy dolls unfinished for them to paint.
25. Everything becomes something other than what it really is: cards as tickets, cards as …
26. When arguing, you will be nicknamed like the OSX spinning wheel (not affectionately)
27. Do not know how to dress without consulting the Pantone book.
28. They hate Excel.
29. They read comics.
30. They want to save the world only with a poster.
31. You will spend the day brainstorming.
32. On vacation they will take you to countries that you do not know exist and have no beach.
33. Museums are their second home.
34. They know more positions than the Kamasutra.
35. They can’t go to a restaurant without secretly critiquing the menu design.
36. They listen to music you have never heard of.
37. They can´t cook a normal dish, they always have to experiment with new ingredients.
38. They read rare books: stories of children, Semiotics …
39. When you are going to tell you something, everyone has read it in their facebook and twitter.
40. They have own iPods before you knew they existed.
41. The orgasm they remember is when they heard that Adobe was acquiring Macromedia.
42. They have their own shops just for them and there are the most expensive in the city.
43. They want to spend all the money in the Apple Store.
44. You will never understand their gifts.
45. They see ordinary objects and laugh.
46. You wake up in the middle of the night hearim them screaming “When is the deadline?”
47. They see CMYK and RGB like Neo sees the Matrix.
48. They dream of the day nobody will make a single change to their designs.
49. They rather pay for a font than for a special birthday gift.
50. They are always sleepy because they work 24/7.

If You Have a Passion for Design Check Out this Cool Bleeding Photo Photoshop Tutorial

Let me share to you a simple trick in Photoshop where we create a badass antique looking portrait painted in blood. Speaking of blood, this tutorial does not involve any gore actually. Well, except for the name we call it. The final output seems similar to the loading screen we find in Dragon Age Origins PC game. This Photoshop effect is also known as the bleeding watercolor effect. So, here you go folks.

Donna Mizani ad campaign 2011


Segways at dawn (video)


Two knights solemnly strap on their armour in preparation for a joust in this spot for Washington's Lottery. As the contest begins, it's revealed they're in a muddy field on Segways with a group of friends watching

The campaign, straplined Play Together, Win Together, aims to position the Lottery as a social experience and encourages friends to play it together to make their dreams come true.

Credits: Cole & Weber United

Ray-Ban NEVER HIDE - Watergun


Inside the image.
See the story inside the new campaign. Get a closer look every week with a brand new video.

Daily Inspiration #8

Daily Design Inspiration


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Trentemøller - Silver Surfer, Ghost RIder Go! (Live @ Roskilde 09)

Labam un darbīgam rīta noskaņojumam


Trentemøller, Henrik Vibskov and Mikael Simpson playing Silver Surfer, Ghost RIder Go! live at Roskilde Festival, Denmark, 2009.

HTC Sensation - Reveal (directors cut)


Studio: 1stAveMachine
Director: Roman Ruetten
Producer: Monique Robertson
Designer: Roman Ruetten
Lead Compositor: Jeremiah Morehead
Compositor: John Michael Buban
3D Lead: Roman Ruetten, Marc E. Florestant
3D Artists: Shane O'hara, Thomas Maine
Realflow Artist: Taras Hrabowsky
Editor: Nathan Scholtens
Storyboard Artist: Chris Butzer
Sound design: Benjamin Bethurum

otrdiena, 2011. gada 12. aprīlis

Pilnīga @BiteLV izgāšanās reklāmas jomā

ļoti interesanti būtu uzzināt, kuram ir tik švaki ar iztēli lai šādi pārkopētu pavisam nesenu video  ( ja nemaldos oriģinālais video "klejoja" apkārt tikai pirms kāda pus gada)

ļoti švaki, žēl par izdomas/iztēle trūkumu u.t.t Vēl būtu ļoti interesanti uzzināt Lv versijas " idejas" autoru , kā arī ekskluzīvās reklāmas izmaksas

BiteLV versija:


Oriģinālā versija:


Diemžēl BiteLV, apzinoties savu kļūdu, savu video ir jau izņēmuši, ja kāds paspēja dabūt kopiju lūdzu dodiet ziņu vai uz meilu - Šādu brīnumu/projektu vienkārši nedrīkst palaist tik ātri "aizmirstībā"

Viss kārtība, paldies @celiq_ un @JanisPolis par palīdzību

Asociāciju ķēdīte saistībā ar Positivus un RÖYKSOPP

Ļoti žēl ka uz šādu grupu salikumu, un kopēju darbību uz skatuves, vismaz šogad Posizivusā varam pat necerēt

Röyksopp - What Else Is There (Trentemoller Remix)


Trentemøller: Moan (official music video)


550D MusicShort: "Heartwork"


Incredibly Creative Anti-Smoking Advertisements


Some say Anti-Smoking campaigns have gone way too far, we will let you be the judge. Today we have collected some incredibly creative examples of anti-smoking advertisements. Personally I have never smoked in my life. For this reason I can’t judge others nor feel the toughness of quiting. These ads make me scared to even try! I hope these ads will inspire you or your loved ones to quit smoking. This world could truly be a better place if we all quit this bad habit.

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LA // KVLKD - Symptoms (Official Music Video)


CONTACT: etienne (at) ​lakvlkd

pirmdiena, 2011. gada 11. aprīlis

piektdiena, 2011. gada 8. aprīlis

Horribly Funny Mistakes by Famous Brands!

Superman Costume

On an American Airlines packet of nuts – INSTRUCTIONS – OPEN PACKET, EAT NUTS.
Really??? I would have never guessed it!!! :-p

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)
The KFC slogan ‘finger-lickin’ good’ on a Chinese campaign became “eat your fingers off”.
My condolence to the people of China!!

Ok, let me get my X-Ray Vision glasses and see inside!

Marks and Spencer
Label on a Marks & Spencer’s Bread Pudding – PRODUCT WILL BE HOT AFTER HEATING.
I don’t believe it…Let me try!

Pepsi’s marketing campaign slogan in Taiwan translated “Come Alive with the Pepsi Generation” to “Pepsi will bring your ancestors back from the dead.”
Thank God I drink Coke! :-p

On a packet of their peanuts – WARNING – CONTAINS NUTS.
What only NUTS?? I want the PEAS too!!

On a Sears hairdryer – DO NOT USE WHILE SLEEPING.
Lucky I didn’t doze off while drying my hair this morning!

Rowenta Iron
Do not iron clothes on body – on packaging for a Rowenta iron.
I thought it was easier that way!

Written on bottom of Tesco’s Tiramisu dessert box – DO NOT TURN UPSIDE DOWN.
Too late…you lose:-D

Coors the American brewer’s slogan “Turn It Loose” came out in Spanish as “Get Diarrhea”.
In that case, I think I’ll pass!!

Superman Costume
Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly – on a child’s Superman costume.
Way to crush a childhood fantasy guys!

Japanese Food Processor
Not to be used for the other use – on a Japanese food processor.
Hmmm… now I’m curious.

Gustavo Ak tu dieniņ! (Aktu dieniņa)


Šī un citas komponista Romāna Faļkenšteina aranžētās Gustavo kompozīcijas būs dzirdamas 13., 14. un 15., 16. aprīlī kinoteātrī „Rīga" programmā „Pilsētas portāls".
Video autori: Ivars Trautmanis, Eduards Zagainovs (día studio), Māris Lapiņš (M.L. studio) un Mārtiņš Viļums.

Short Film Inspiration

Film Inspiration“ is a serial of short films, trailers, motion graphics and music clips by different artists from across the world introduced here at Cromoart. We would like to inspire you give ideas and suggestions.

Charlie Le Mindu - Haute Coiffure


CITY #3721


A time lapse video, produced by Lam Ho Tak.
Music: Don't Go Awash in this Digital Landscape by Codes In The Clouds.

Lam Ho Tak, a student from City University of Hong Kong, School of Creative Media.

Sometimes the Stars


"Sometimes the Stars" is a gorgeous new song from Adelaide, Australia band The Audreys, taken from their 2010 album of the same name. The accompanying short animated film, produced by Luke Jurevicius and directed by Ari Gibson & Jason Pamment, is about a lost girl's journey through a surreal landscape, and her yearning to make a connection in this distant yet strangely familiar world.

Produced by Luke Jurevicius
Directed by Ari Gibson & Jason Pamment
Production Designers: Luke Jurevicius, Shane Devries, Jason Pamment, Ari Gibson
Story by Luke Jurevicius, Ari Gibson & Jason Pamment

Nike Amsterdam Destroyer


Nike Amsterdam Destroyer (comercial)
Director Paul Geusebroek
D.O.P. Menno Mans
Producer Anne Van Kuyk - Cake Film

Ray Ban: Tomatina


With seven short films hitting the web this
week (4/5/11), these two have managed to
stay true to their visual roots, focusing on
films that are all about great storytelling.

What makes this campaign stand out is
that each of the seven short films is
completely unique, even while the
overarching aesthetic keeps the
trademark look and tone of ZCDC.
Whether working with purely visual
storytelling, an actor driven piece or
straight narrative, this campaign is
thoroughly engaging. Having shot
and edited the pieces themselves,
ZCDC are part of the new generation
of directors that do it all.

Director: ZCDC
Executive Creative Director: Chuck McBride
Creative Director: Travis Britton
Art Director: Devin Gillespie
Copywriter: Derek Szynal
Executive Producer: Tom Weissferdt
Producer: Bianca Darville
Agency Producer: Bill Spangler
Editor: ZCDC

The TV Commercial titled Tomatina was done
by Cutwater advertising agency for product:
Ray-ban Sunglasses (brand: Ray-ban) in
United States. It was released in the Apr
2011. Business sector is: Personal
effects - including perfumes, tobacco & luxury items.

Daily Inspiration #7

Daily Inspiration


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Goab TV Concept


For a long time, watching television was a straightforward event. The couch in the living room was facing the TV and a certain number of channels played certain shows at a designated time. When someone said, “I’m going to watch TV,” it was clear what that meant.

Today, it’s not that simple. Watching TV can mean a lot of things: TV via Internet, web content via TV, video on demand, IPTV, cable, satellite, DVB-T, mobile television, etc. Let’s not forget that with broadband internet connections and the integration of Wi-Fi chips into television sets, the technical framework has changed fundamentally.

With GOAB we take the latest trends, bring the loose ends together, develop established ideas further and develop new concepts to provide a possible answer to the question:
How do we want to watch television in the future?

More about the project and the Syzygy Lab: ​en

40 Creative Logo Designs

Logo Designe Inspiration


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