piektdiena, 2011. gada 28. janvāris

Valentine’s Day Design Inspiration

Today I would like to share 78 Valentine’s Day designs for your inspiration. This post is to inspire you (and me) with the fresh inspiring designs submitted by designers worldwide. If you would like to share your work and being published on DzineBlog.com, feel free to email us at mywork@dzineblog.com. I may publish your work here. Enjoy!

( ļoti ceru ka visiem tiem kuri taisīs plakātus, flaijerus u.t.t. šī saite zemāk  noderēs )

for more inspiratio click here http://bit.ly/valetina_d

3 komentāri:

  1. :D šādi es labprāt redzētu Valentīndienas tuvošanos (nevis ar visādām sarkanajā sirsniņām.. )

  2. tieši tāds jau ir šī ieraksta mērķis, lai cilvēki paskatās ka var arī citādāk :)

  3. Excellent post, thanks for collating the information. I have been searching google and yahoo for information related to this and it led me to your blog! :-)
