pirmdiena, 2011. gada 31. janvāris

Blogā: Mans izbrīns par SEO un Keyword pielietojumu latvijā


Šodien nedaudz par SEO, nedaudz izbrīna, ka latvijas lielākie informācijas mediji šo burvīgo lietu ir galīgi piemirsuši. Dīvaini man tas sāka likties pēdējās nedēļas laikā kad sāku skatīties kādas ir atslēgasvardu tendences latvijas interneta  vidē.

Dīvaini, rodas jautājums vai patiešām cilvēki nesaprot lietas butību, kā tādu vai vnk to uzskata par mazsvarīgu faktoru ( nu protams kuram tad ir vajadzīga tā s... google un priekš kam nopūlēties un rakstit kādus atslēgas vārdus? )  tā darbojas portāli delfi.lv apollo.lv tvnet.lv diena.lv un vēl daudzi

tātad šobrīd,kaut  kas līdzīgs atslēgas vārdiem ( nejauksim ar tagiem )  ir tikai dažās mājaslapās.  Un šajā mirklī es apjūku. Kā tas var būt, par to tika rakstīts jau pirms gadiem 2 vai trijiem un vēl joprojām neviens SOE neuzkata par noderīgu? Vai arī nevēlas iemācīties komunicēt ar googli?

diemžēl neemsu izpētījis vēl kā tas darbojas ar blogiem, wordpress.com ir nelieši kuri īsti nesadarbojas ar atslēgas vārdiem , par citiem blogiem pagaidām grūti spriest. Zinu ka nombre.lv izmanto atlēgas vārdus kā pienākas. Parējos cik nu paskatījos, it tāda kā grābstīšanās tumsā ( salikta čupa atlēgas vārdi kuriem vajadzētu būt tagiem )  grūti saprats, bet tā vien šķiet ka neviens īsti šajās lietās neiedziļinās praksē. Protams žēl.

Ja Jūs ziniet kādu labu piemēru no kura mācīties lūdzu iesakiet. Es labprāt paskatītos palasītu pamācīties. Bet tiem kuriem SEO nav vienladzīgs iesaku apmeklēt šo lapu http://www.page2sucks.com/ ( patiesi daudz labas informmācijas par SEO

Vēlu visiem veiksmi un pats turpināšu mācīties, meklēt info, salīdzināt to praksē un dalīties ar citiem.

Lai Jums jauks vakars!

How to Create vintage poster art using Photoshop CS5 (Tutorial)

In this tutorial, you’ll discover some great Photoshop CS5 techniques to create a stylised poster from scratch using brushes. Let’s get started!


Paul Dateh and inka one - Hip Hop Violin (video)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36Xt-XeWnHM]

piektdiena, 2011. gada 28. janvāris

UKF dubstep set 28.01.2011 by Pauga (download)

[soundcloud url="http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/9757646"]

Track list

UKF Music Podcast #2 - Physical
Skism - Back Off
Rob Sparx vs John Maveric - Windscreen Snipa (PropaTingz Lock n Load Remix)
Requake - Fools Good
Marco Del Horno - Ho! (FuntCase Remix)
Jeuce - Flavour (Bare Noize Remix)
Boy Crisis - Dressed To Digress (Nero Remix)
DJ Fresh - Fight
Medison - Harry feat. Skrein (Bare Noize Remix)
SKisM - Power
The Prodigy - Breathe (Numbernin6 Remix)
Emalkay - When I Look At You
Reika - Rabbit Rounds
Bionic - Commando (Rusko Remix)
Chasing Shadows - Amirah

Valentine’s Day Design Inspiration

Today I would like to share 78 Valentine’s Day designs for your inspiration. This post is to inspire you (and me) with the fresh inspiring designs submitted by designers worldwide. If you would like to share your work and being published on DzineBlog.com, feel free to email us at mywork@dzineblog.com. I may publish your work here. Enjoy!

( ļoti ceru ka visiem tiem kuri taisīs plakātus, flaijerus u.t.t. šī saite zemāk  noderēs )

for more inspiratio click here http://bit.ly/valetina_d

Cool Snowboard Designs

This winter, snowboards have become undeniably popular, especially for those countries enveloped with snow. Indeed, many extreme sport lovers will find ways to take advantage of this season and the beautiful white backdrop that comes with it. They are likely to find themselves taking flight in the cold air with their personalized snowboards. After all, next to a great adventure, what makes a snowboard enthusiast happier than have his precious lift designed according to his own taste?

Find colors and awesome patterns in abundance in our collection of 50+ Cool Snowboard Designs below. Great designs are all the rage everywhere, and the snowboarding community is not going to be left behind. Take a look at these great designs and you may get new and inspiring ideas for your own snowboards.


trešdiena, 2011. gada 26. janvāris

Photoshop Free Brush Pack – Flying Birds

Today we would like to share an awesome free ‘flying birds’ brush pack featured on Deviant Art created by member redheadstock. We have featured redheadstock’s free brushes in the past – check out his Deviant Art gallery for more free downloads that include textures, brushes and more. This brush pack is made up of various flying birds, seagulls, geese, crows, swallows and all kinds of miscellaneous birds are included. There are 9 brushes of several birds together in a small flock, and 13 brushes feature singular birds. All birds featured in this brush pack are silhouettes and do not feature great amounts of detail. These birds are ideal for adding background noise or giving your sky scene that life like feel. Head over to Deviant Art now and grab these free flying birds brush pack. Don’t forget to check out redheadstock’s  gallery for more brushes and freebies. Get creative!

Download here

otrdiena, 2011. gada 25. janvāris

BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix - Beardyman Jan 22. 2011 (downlaod)

Listening into the wee hours of the night/morning, BBC Radio 1 rolled out another edition of their Essential Mix today, this time with SoundLogik favorite Beardyman! The entire 2 hour mix is done vocally by Beardyman, with help of a few loopers and samplers. For those of you on the fence about attending Coachella, Beardyman will be performing on Friday and it is bound to be an epic show. This is a must have mix for all music enthusiasts! Be sure to listen, bookmark, and download!

:: Beardyman – BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix ::


Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band — Express Yourself
Hall & Oates — I Can’t Go For That
Beardyman — You’re Not Part Of Me
A Tribe Called Quest — Can I Kick It
Saint Etienne — Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Beardyman — All The Girls Be Touching My Ooh
Cee Lo Green — Forget You
Kings of Tomorrow — Finally
Beardyman — Cheese And Crackers
Tomcraft — Happiness
Beardyman — Unzip My Armpits
Daft Punk — Da Funk
Underworld — King Of Snake
Beardyman — Going Deep
Shakedown — At Night
Beardyman — I Don’t Know
Beardyman — Get Dutty
Leftfield — Phat Planet
Beardyman — I Don’t Want To Be Your Friend
Beardyman — Pyramid, Square, Rectangle, Yeah!
Beardyman — Glonk
Frankie Goes to Hollywood — Power Of Love
Beardyman — We Don’t Know Where We’re Going
The All Seeing I — The Beat Goes On
Beardyman — Back It Up
Beardyman — ‘Av It
Beardyman — Not What You Planned For
Beardyman — Aahh
The Devlins — Crossing The River
Beardyman — Ready For The Burn
Leftfield — Release The Pressure

download here

Blogā neliels kopsavilkums, paldies pirmajiem 1000 apmeklētājiem un šodien nosauktas „oskaru” nominācijas


beidzot varu uztaisīt nelielu kopsavilkumu par šo blogu.
Ir pagājis precīzi mēnesis ko to izveidojo un zīmīgi ka tieši šodien blogu apmeklēja 1000.  Apmeklētājs. Zinu tas nav daudz, bet patīkami vienalga. Lielos vilcienos viens nu būtu skaidrs. Cilvēkiem interesē Photoshopa pamācības.  Tas ir jauki, ceru ka daudziem šīs pamācības dzīvē noderēs.  http://pauga.wordpress.com/category/photoshop-tutorials/

joprojām nēesmu izpratis vai google vispār indeksē wordpress.com, pagaidām izskatās ka nē. Žēl, tas nozīmē tikai to, ka kaut ko joprojam daru nepareizi. Tādtad vēl ilgs un garš ceļs ejams līdz prātīgam SEO kurš varētu arī strādāt.  ( nekas vismaz ir uz ko tiekties )

nedaudz žēl ka lasītāji gan ir nedaudz slinki, un neatstaj savu viedokli komnetāros, ir bijuši tikai dazi saprātīgi komentari mēneša laikā. Tas nedaudz apgrūtina saturīga bloga izveidi, jo neesmu burvis un nevaru izzīlēt kas kuram vairāk interesē. ( starpcitu, kāds man jautāja, kad būs nākošais dubstepa sets no manis. Solījos ka līdz šodienai ko izveidošu, bet dažu neparedzētu apstākļu dēļ neizdevās. Apsolu šonedēļas laikā laboties un kaut ko izveidot. Iepriekšējo varat noklausīties un lejuplādēt šeit http://pauga.wordpress.com/2011/01/13/ukf-dubstep-2010-set-download/ )

prieks par lielo Jūsu interesi par „web servisiem” ceru ka noderēja. http://pauga.wordpress.com/category/web-serviss-2/ Tgd pats vēl neko jaunu nēesmu nedz meklējis nedz nejauši uzgājis, bet ja kas gadīsies apsolu neturēt sveci zem pūra un uzrakstīt arī par to.

Par  notikumiem pasaulē gan šovakar neko nerakstīšu.  Ir kads labs teiciens „ ja nevari pateitk neko labu, varbūt labāk nesaki neko” pēdējas dienās ziņās diemžēl neka laba nav bijis tadēļ neko daudz nerakstīšu. Vienīgi ja kads vēl nav papējis  apskatīt, tad šodien tika nosauktas „Oskara” balvas nominācijas http://bit.ly/nominacijas_oskari

Tas nu laikam šajā vakrā būtu ari viss. Liels paldies visiem lasītajiem, un joprojām Gaidu Jūsu komnetarus, jautajumus, ieteikumsu un arī kritiku.

How to Create a Dark Surreal Illustration in Photoshop (Tutorial)

First of all, I would like to thank Toma Alin Gabriel for collaborating with me in creating this wonderful piece. In this tutorial we are going to create a dark surreal illustration using a few techniques and a handful of images. In the end, we will apply stylish color settings and give the illustration that extra polish it needs to give it that finished look.

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the photographers for giving me permission to use their images. Without them I could never create this art. Please visit their amazing galleries: blacksockstock, Wayne Benedet, Drew Hopper, Nikola M., and Nicolas Raymond. Now, let’s jump into this tutorial!


Duff Gig Review: The Bluebeats and The Hard Times at the Punky Reggae Fest (video)

The Hard Times with Coolie Ranx

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmHDBYJICHo]

The Bluebeats  - Love Disguise

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzI-Kc8Lo2o]

Full Review http://bit.ly/GigReview

How to make Fantasy Fallen Angel photo in Photoshop (Tutorials)

First thing you need to remember that every photo or digital artwork must have 1 point that catches the viewer’s attention. It can be (and mostly is) face or the eyes, but it can also be any other spot, that is the leitmotif of the canvas. When having too many points that catch the visitor’s attention, your artwork loses it’s charm and simply may lack the zest it would otherwise have with less accents on the canvas. So first thing you need to remember that in art, mostly, less is more.

Second thing to bear in mind is the depth of field. When you concentrate your look on a certain point, the rest becomes a little blurred in your vision, especially if the rest of the objects lay far behind. This is what we call — depth of field. In other words, human face cannot be just as sharp on the picture, as the background house that appears to be a few miles behind the figure. Although this isn’t always true and we have different variations of art (and sometimes the unusual is the best looking surreal concept!) but I am giving this little info so you will understand WHY we blur certain points and why we play with light the way we do, in this Photoshop Tutorial.


Fresh and Amazing Free Fonts to Download

In typography, a font is traditionally defined as a quantity of sorts composing a complete character set of a single size and style of a particular typeface. For example, the set of all characters for 9-point Bulmer italic is a font, and the 10-point size would be a separate font, as would the 9-point upright.

After the introduction of computer fonts based on fully scalable outlines, a broader definition evolved. Font is no longer size-specific, but still refers to a single style. Bulmer regular, Bulmer italic, Bulmer bold and Bulmer bold italic are four fonts, but one typeface. However, the term font is also often used as a synonym for typeface.


Datsik - Fathom (audio)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88l8k0LiW8A]

Labrīt visiem, lai Jums jauka šī diena!


[vimeo http://vimeo.com/14107751]

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 20. janvāris

45 Fresh and Stunning Free Fonts To Enhance Your Designs

Typography is the art and techniques of arranging type, type design, and modifying type glyphs. Display typography is a potent element in graphic design, where there is less concern for readability and more potential for using type in an artistic manner.

The proper selection of typography can convert your normal design into very attractive piece of art. Among other things, effective typography manages to achieve three necessary objectives of web designing are Look, Appearance and Outcome which helps you to keep apart from normal wave.


Third World Lover - Kid Koala (video)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvEe7jm3hw4]

Šodienas atradums - diemžēl bez video

Blogā. Vai dzīvojam interneta laikmetā, vai tomēr joprojām akmens laikmetā?


Šodien biju nedaudz izbrīnīts. Jau labu laiku ir ideja pieslēgt mājās daudz maz prātīgu internetu. Šodien ķēros klāt normālu provaideru meklējumiem. Kas mani izbrīnija? Tas, ka lai arī nedzīvoju  pārlieku sliktā vietā ( ar sabiedrisko transportu 15 min līdz centram) izvēle ir gaužām nožēlojama. Atradu dažus provaiderus kuri piesakās man ierīkot internetu, bet šeit sākas nākošais stāsts. Šie provaideri nedod nekādas garantijas internetam. Tas man neder. Kāda velna pec man būtu jāmaksā par interneta iespējamo maksimālo ātrumu ja provaideris garantē tikai to ka internets būs 99% menēsī un minimālās garnatijas (par kurām internetam lēnākam nevajadzētu būt) nav. Šādas garantijas gan ir tikai uzņēmuma Lattelecom ( no man pieejamajiem piedāvajumiem) šeit mēs nonākam pie cita stāsta.  Pirmkārt paties prieks par Lattelecom twitter kontu kurš patiesi darbojas un man tika sniegtas atbildes uz maniem jautājumiem, interesantākas bija pašas atbildes.

runa iet par optisko internetu. Uz jautājumu vai man var ierīkot atbilde bija šāda. „Neesam plānojuši jo mājā ir pārak maz dzīvokļu, ja Jūs pierunāsiet vēl iedzīvotajus pieslēgt mūsu optisko internetu tad jā ierīkosim. „ kas pie velna tā ir par atbildi? Vai man tgd butu jāmeklē lattelecomam klienti lai es saņemtu viņu tik izdaudzīnāto pakalpojumu? Nu paldies. Tālāk uz jautājumu kāpēc lattelecom ir latvijas interneta telpā nopozicionējušies kā vienīgie optiskā interneta sniedzēji bija vēl interesantāka atbilde „ jā ta ir, jo mēs esam vienīgie kas ievelk optiku katrā dzīvoklī, nevis sadala pa dzīvokļiem” kāda man starpība?

Jautājums sekojošs – Jūs esat vienīgie un labākie, tad kāda velna pēc es tieku atraidīts, ja nepierunāšu parējo māju pieslēgties pie jūsu optiksā interneta? Sķiet gandriz kā izspiešana.

tā nu esmu palicis meklējumos, rit turpināšu ceribā ka tomēr nedzīvojam monopoliskā akmens laikmetā

Lai jums visiem jauks vakars, un ja kadam ir kāds labs ieteikums  par interneta provaideriem ar kuriem būtu verts sazināties, būšu arkārtīgi pateicīgs

Daži vienākārši ineteresanti web servisi un daži ļoti noderīgi tiem kas aktīvi lieto sociālos tīklus

http://threewords.me/ 3 vardi par mani. Pieregistējies un uzzini ko citi par tevi domā, nevarētu teikt ka ļoti noderīgs web serviss, bet interesanti

tikpat lidzigs tikai savadāk ( ieraksti pats par sevi ) tris lietas vai vai vairaak par tevi kuras iespejasm citi nezinaaja par tevi , arī nav nekas ārkārtīgi noderīgs, bet jautrībai noder.

mazliet noderīgkas, citi uzdod jautaajums, citi neredz kameer neemsu atbildeejis,  šis jau ir nedaudz interesantāks (joka pēc arī pereģsitrējos http://formspring.me/opauga )

tālāk noderīgas aplikācijas

http://readmeo.com/ vien no servisiem kurš piedāvā saglabāt grāmatzīmes vēlāk, bonuss ir tas ka, ja nākas strādāt no dažādiem datoriem, vairs nav jāsatraucās par lienkiem kurus vēlēsies izlasīt vēlāk, vienkārši saglabā šiet un pēc tam pievienojies no jebkura cita datora un atrodi sev vēlamo saiti bez problēmā  (sadarbojas arī ar twitter caur DM)

http://nutshellmail.com/ aplikācija lai izsekotu tam kas pa dienu twitter un facebook, suuta ikdienas atskaites kas kur ir noticis u.t.t. + atgādinājumu / publikācijas no manis un draugiem

(twitter rādas kas šodien ir sācis sekot un parstājis sekot un pēc kura konkrētā twīta)

ļoti noderīgs ja nav visu dienu laiks būt pie PC tad attiecīgi pēc laika un biežuma, kuru pats vari nokonfigurēt  tiek atsūtīta ikdienas atskaite.

labs monitoringa rīks soc tīkliem

līdzīgs iepriekšējajam bet nedaudz savādāks + dienas pēdējais epasts, kurš noinformē kas šodien ir noticis tavos sociālajos tīklos

Paldies @arturs jeb Artūram Mednim

Robyn - Dancehall Queen (video)

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/17314975]

Co-directed by Diplo, Red Foxx and Pomp&Clout

Label: Konichiwa Records

Assistant editors: Katherine Lo and Jason Demetillo

Shot in Tokyo & Brooklyn, edited and run through VCRs in Brooklyn.

trešdiena, 2011. gada 19. janvāris

Camillas & Gustavo - Mainit pasauli (video)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EdWdJOtVwM]

tā esmu piekūpinajis istabu ar ūdenspīpi tiktalu ka kanpi var saredzēt monitoru. nu tad vienkārši jaukam vakaram visiem vēl šī dziesmiņa

Blogā par latviskām skolām, kolektīvām vainas apziņām un "kefīriem"


Šovakar tieši pirms darba beigām iesaistījos kādā interesantā diskusijā, par rīt paredzēto parakstu vākšanu, sakrā ar vēlmi ierosināt likuma grozījumus izglītības likumā, lai latvijas skolās ( pašvaldības skolās ) sākot jau no pamatskolas mācības notiktu tikai un vienīgi latviešu valodā.  Es personīgi neatblastu tik pilnīgus un kategorisku nostāju, bet tas jau ir garšs stāsts.  Interesantais  šaja stāstā ir formulējums kādēļ tas ir nepieciešams. Citēju „jāveicina latviešu valodas saglabāšana un ilgtspēja; jānodrošina, lai absolventi un valsts un pašvaldību iestāžu amatpersonas prastu latviešu valodu; jāuztur latviska Latvija un tās izglītības sistēma.”

Šeit man sāka palikt interesanti.
1. Javeicina latviešu valodas saglabāšana un ilgtspēja  -  nebiju manījis ka latviešu valod taisītos izmirt, izzust, nu labi bet kā saprast ilgtspēju?
2. jānodrošina, lai absolventi un valsts un pašvaldību iestāžu amatpersonas prastu latviešu valodu – es atvainojos, vai tad tas jau tagad nav tā, ka 60% priekšmetu mazākumtautību skolās tomēr ir jānotiek valsts valodā? Kā tas tiek ievērots no skolas vadības puses, un vai kāds pārbauda arī pašu skolas vadību, tas jau ir pavisam cits jautājums
3. jāuztur latviska Latvija un tās izglītības sistēma.  -  ( labi par latvisku Latviju.)  bet par latvisku izglītības sistēmu  -  it kā jau taisnība, bet ne jau tik kategoriskā pakāpē.

Beigu beigās, es uzskatu ka šie argumenti  ir ,maigi sakot, ļoti vāji, un manī rodas šaubas par šīs idejas patiesajiem mērķiem. Šis nekādā ziņā nesamazinas sociālo spriedzi starp Latviešiem un citās valodās runājošajiem Latvijas iedzīvotājiem. Kā arī uzskatu ka nav īsta pamata virzīt šo jautājumu tālākai izskatīšanai, manuprāt problēma kura būtu jārisina ir skolu vadībās un to pārbaudēs, nevis striktāku noteikumu izveidošana ( ja nepilda jau tagad, nepildīs arī vēlāk )

Nobeigumam cita tēma nedaudz jautrībai.

Jau pāris dienas ir sanākusi šmuce klubam “kefīrs” par kādas neredzīgas meitenes neielaišanu klubā. Protams internetā un dažādos sociālajos tīklos tas ir ļoti aktuāls temats, nu Jūs jau paši zināt. Tad šodien nonācām līdz bildei kurā bija kluba īpašnieks. Uzjautrinoši šķita tas ka bildē ,attiecīgajā portāla, nebija tikai īpašnieks, bet vēl vesels pulciņš cilvēku, nezinatājs nemaz nesaprot, kurš nu tagad ir tas “ļaunais “ . Līdz ar to nonācām pie secinājuma: ja jau Latvijā ir “kolektīvās iepirkšanās” portāli var būt ir laiks izveidot “kolektīvās vainas” portālu, nu jauki taču, ieej, paskaties, ka pieci cilvēki jūtas vainīgi par kaut ko , pievienojies arī Tu. Ja nesavācas teiksim 20 vainīgo sodu nesaņemat.  Un turpinājumā sāku meklēt vai kāds šāds portāls jau nepastāv. Izmēģinaju dažādus atslēgas vārdus. Uz vārdiem “Kas ir vainīgs” man google.com kā pirmo atvēra lapu ar virsrakstu “Paģiras: kas ir vainīgs, un ko darīt?” un uzreiz sejā uzausa smaids.

Lai Jums jauks vakars.

How to Create a Fun Horror Movie Poster Design in Photoshop (tutorial)

In this Photoshop tutorial, I will take you through the process of creating a fun horror movie poster design. We will be mixing up stock photos and brushes with old, grungy textures to create a horror movie poster design for "Dark Castle," a fictional movie. A full moon, a spooky castle, a mysterious caped silhouette in the distance, and bats — you’re going to have fun with this one.


The Pierces - Boring (video)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXbk3OL-t-s]

How to Create a Super Glossy Orb Using photoshop CS4 Extended (tutorial)

In this Awesome Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to create a super glossy orb. This is a combination of traditional glossy orb technique and new 3D sphere object in Photoshop CS 4 Extended. Have fun.


otrdiena, 2011. gada 18. janvāris

ADAM FREELAND spins "Aer OBAMA" DAFT PUNK remix at Lucent L'Amour (video)

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/3275696]

James Blake - The Wilhelm Scream live bbc radio1 (video)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LDTsoNiT2Y]

Par citām lietām, atvainojos, nejēdzībām (blogs)

Tātad šodien tika paziņots ka banka citadele pirms termiņa atmaksājusi valstij 32,8 miljonus latu, it kā jau jauki. No SVF pieprasītajiem 50 miljoniem, daļa it kā būtu atrast, bet interesantak man šķiet fakts, kad un kā šī nauda tika atmaksāta. Jeb pareizāk sakot ,atradās tieši tad kad vajadzēja. Rodas pārdomas, vai tas tā bija ierēķināts jau agrāk? pēc principa ja vajadzēs tad atdosim! un kā notiktu atdošana ja "nevajadzētu"? vai vispār notiktu?

Vēl viena dīvaina lieta kuru es pilnība nesaprotu ir "Rīgas satiksmes" meitas uzņēmuma "Rīgas acs" izveide, kura uzdevums būs, citēju IR.lv "Uzņēmuma uzdevums būs ieviest sabiedriskajā transportā vienotu informācijas sistēmu, kas reālā laikā apkopotu datus par transporta kustību. Sākotnēji sistēma nodrošinās monitoringa funkciju un  kustības grafika ievērošanas kontroli." Es atvainojos, vai tad līdz šim neviens nekam tadam nesekoja līdzi? Vai ir vajadzīgs vesels uzņēmums, kuram pieļauju atkal bus uzņēmuma valde u.t.t. labi lai nu arī tas paliek

bet viss jautrakais man škiet pagājušajā nedēļā mēdijos izskanējušās ziņas, atkal jau par "ziemeļu koridoru" hmm labi lai būtu, pilsēta attīstās u.t.t. tas viss protams ir apsveicami, bet (neesmu gan pēdējā laikā tur bijis) kas notiek ar dienvidu tiltu? vai viņš ir pabeigst ? vai infrastruktūra ir jau sakārtota? Ļoti šaubos. Un šai pat laikā tiek kalti milzīgie plāni par ziemeļu koridoru ar izmaksām aptuveni miljards latu ( pieļauju ka arī tā vel augs - tā jau mums te gadās ) un ne tikai kalti plāni bet jau ir iztērēti 5,3 miljoni Ls par izpēti. Nav tākā nedaudz par šerpu?

tā varētu turpināt bezgalīgi , piemēram par to ka sniegu nez kādēļ izveda tikai no ielām kur ir maksas stāvvietas, pie tam ar to nodarbojas "Rigas satiksme" ( ceru ne par manu sabiedriskā transporta lietotaja naudu, jo tas butu maigi sakot negodīgi) , vai teiksim visai dīvainā epopeja ar Lužkova kunga ielaišanu/neielaišanu Latvijā. un tā tālāk ...

Paigaidām es domāju pietiks, bet būs vēl ....

Beidzot par blogu un citām lietām


šodien beidzot esmu saņēmies uzrakstīt ko pats. Tātad iesāksim at to, ka šodien noskatījos lielisku diskusiju ar Artūru Medni, Agnesi Kleinu un Ingusu Bērziņu. "Skrējiens pēc nemirstības. Ja manis nav internetā, tad manis nav vispār?" http://bit.ly/intevija_diena Škita diezgan interesanta, iesaku visiem paklausīties.

Tas nu tā starpcitu, vispār mani vairāk interesē un varētu pat teikt satrauc LV sociālie tīkli, brīnos par mūsu lielāko soc. tīklu "draugiem.lv" un šķiet ļoti dīvaini tas kas tur pārsvarā notiek. Atvainojos bet es neizprotu, kā LV lielākais soc. tīkls tik ļoti var atpalikt no, kaut vai par piemēram twitter.com,  soc tīklu pamatnozīme mana izpratnē ir komunikācijā starp cilvēkiem, nevis atvainojos, bet jau labu laiku kaut kur, kaut kā, kaut kad, padzirdētu (ne to svaigāko) "ziņu" nepārtrauktu atrīšanu. Dīvaini šķiet ka lai ari šajā "tīklā" man personīgi ir vislielākās iespējas saņemt informāciju, šis ir vienigais no partāliem no kura nesaņemu praktiski nekādu info. Tas tā, neliels izbrīns.

šis ieraksts top vnk tādēļ ka, skatoties statistikas nesaprotu kādēļ no mūsu milzīgā sociālā tīkla nav nekādas atdeves, ja neskaita lērumu stulbu it kā anekdošu un dažas reklāmas tas man liekas nedaudz dīvaini.

Turpinajumā apsolu nedaudz ierakstīt šo to par aplikācijām, kuras zinu un lietoju, kā ari par SEO, ja kādam ir interese, un citām lietām kuras uzskatīsu par pietiekoši aizraujošām  lai rakstītu.

Ar lielāko prieku uzklausīšu Jūsu jautājumus un, cik nu tas būs manos spēkos, centīšos arī atbildēt ar savu subjektīvo viedokli.

Paldies !

P.S. iesaku padomāt par šo – „Ja manis nav internetā, tad manis nav vispār?” labprāt dzirdētu Jūsu viedokli .

Sin CIty x FABRICLIVE Promo Mix (download)


Tracklist -

1- Mala feat Andraya
2- Lost & IE – Levitate
3- Lost – Rudeboyz Benton remix
4- Kutz -
5- Sukh Knight, Mensah & Soundwave – Quadbikes
6- Skream – XMAS Day
7- Skream & Sgt Pokes -
8- Kutz –
9- Katy B – On a Mission
10- Mala – Education
11- Mala – Eyez VIP
12- Skream – Skream’s Party
13- Sukh Knight – Oh Oi
14- Flux Pavillion – Hold Me Close
15- Distance – Falling Special
16- Skream -
17- Stinkahbell – Something in your Eyes
18- Skream feat Example – Shot Yourself in the Foot

Download here http://bit.ly/sin_city

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home (Video)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HNY0rx2fw4]
Reel ChezEddy January 2011

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/18532359]


Ultimate Collection of High Quality Free PSD Files

No one can deny the importance of Adobe Photoshop and the role that this amazing software plays for the designing industry. For a graphic designer, PSD files can come very handy because they can easily edit, modify and customize these files according to their own taste and desire.


How to make Dead Zone Blur Streaks Effect in Photoshop (tutorial)

Written By Steve Patterson

In this Photoshop photo effects tutorial, we'll learn how to create a cool motion blur-type of effect by first colorizing a photo, then selecting a single column of pixels from the main subject and stretching it across the image to create streaks of color. We'll use a layer mask and a brush when we're done to paint away the streaks in areas where we don't need them. If you're wondering where the "Dead Zone" part of the name came from, the idea for this tutorial comes from the DVD box art for the final season of one of my favorite tv shows, The Dead Zone. I'll be using Photoshop CS5, but any recent version of Photoshop will work.


pirmdiena, 2011. gada 17. janvāris

CÄTHE - Unter meiner Haut / Live (video)

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/12796400]

Shuffler.fm interesanti mūzikas cienītājiem

Interesanta aplikācija / veids kā klausīties nedaudz savādāku mūziku un atklāt ko jaunu prieks sevi - http://shuffler.fm

How to Make a Vector Portrait in Adobe Illustrator (tutorial)

Below is a mini tutorial on how I did my gradient mesh based "Vector Portrait" in Adobe Illustrator. The thumbnails are screen shots of my workstation. Click on the thumbnails to get the full image of what I'm talking about in a new window. My main monitor is set to a resolution of 1920x1200 so I have a lot of working space. However, as a result these screen shots are HUGE and I wouldn't recommend this to those without broadband connections.


Dreadzone - Gangster (Trolley Snatcha Remix)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHlTzyb-4sU]

Creative 404 Error Pages (Design)

This week I was doing some research and I often found that horrible error blank page in several websites. I instantly recalled a showcase we had a while back with 40 Creative 404 Error Pages to Inspire You and decided to do a new roundup on 404 error pages. I simply love when someone spends time designing an error page, even knowing that this page won’t be seen that much – or at least it shouldn’t be seen. This is a major proof of consideration for users. It’s knowing and remembering that sometimes we all make mistakes and end up in the wrong page. So for those few times when something goes wrong, it’s much better to see something nice.


sestdiena, 2011. gada 15. janvāris

Vintage book texture elements (download)

Just the other day I strolled into my favorite old book store and bought about a dozen vintage/ancient books to make textures out of. It took nearly a full day to scan all of them into the computer (totaling nearly 100 textures!). I tried to include a nice sample of every part of the books, including the covers, inside covers, pages, and bookends. I really enjoyed creating these and I hope you find some good uses for the textures!

Click on the textures below to download the high-res version or download them all in a zip file at the bottom of the post. Enjoy!

Dosh - Live from The Grog Shop (video)

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/18405225]

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/18332927]

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/18404252]

piektdiena, 2011. gada 14. janvāris

Creative and Awesome Examples of Flyer Designs

A flyer is a single page leaflet advertising event, service, or other activity. Flyers are typically used by individuals or businesses to promote their products or services. They are a form of mass marketing or small scale, community communication. Flyers, along with postcards, pamphlets and small posters, are forms of communication for people who want to engage the public, but do not have the money or desire to advertise on national TV, in telephone directories, or classified or display advertising in newspapers or other periodicals.

Key effectiveness of a flyer lie in its design. It should be visually interesting, easy to remember, able to catch peoples attention fast and not contain too much information. As a rule of thumb you can expect that the person receiving the flyer (while walking, eating, working etc.) will not have much time to focus on it. If it is not a direct hit and easy to consume most people will simply not notice it and the advertising money could be wasted.

In this article I have rounded up examples of Creative Flyers Designs to serve as an inspiration for aspiring and busy designers. Check them and who knows, you might get the idea you need to make your own flyers more attractive and effective. Enjoy!



[vimeo http://vimeo.com/10465875]

trešdiena, 2011. gada 12. janvāris

Doctor P - Big Boss (audio)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmCe3fg7B4w]

Venetian Snares - Öngyilkos Vasárnap (video)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QAqJAfBjN8]

Creating a Surreal Smoking Bird Composition in Photoshop (Tutorial)

In this Photoshop tutorial, we will be making a monochromatic scene with the subject being a bird in flight with smoke surrounding its body. We will be using a high contrast stock image that we will manipulate and combine with smoke brushes.


Free High Resolution Photoshop Brush Sets (downloads)

Hundreds of thousands of incredible Adobe Photoshop brush sets are all over the web. Due to this phenomenally vast amount of Photoshop brushes available, you can now add patches of dirt, rust, floral effect, swirls, mold, oil stains in your artworks and photos to give them an aged, damaged, dreamy or any look you want.


otrdiena, 2011. gada 11. janvāris

TRUTH LIVE at PHAT 11- NYE 2011 (video)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-WtmLj_hRA&feature=player_embedded]

Dažas ļoti noderīgas aplikācijas

Kā tu pārsūti milzīgus failus -  www.wetransfer.com , www.isendr.com

Kā saīsināt linkus  -  bit.ly , http://ej.uz/

Kā ātri un vienkārši saglabāt bildes internetā  -  min.us

Kā ērti saglabāt un dalīties ar savu mūziku http://www.mixcloud.com/, http://soundcloud.com/ un http://www.play.fm/

Protams daudz daudz vairāk noderīgu lietu šeit http://ej.uz/9mip

Paldies Artūram  Mednim ( @arturs )

Create An Underwater Typography Scene (Tutorial)

In this Design Tutorial we are going to be creating a custom typography piece. We will be using custom brushes, light effects, and more to achieve the end result. The techniques we will cover can be applied to any type, so let’s fire up Photoshop and get started!


Truth-Outraged By Silence (MIX) Dubstep

Possibly our favourite Truthdubstep Nz mix of 2010 :)

Track list http://bit.ly/fUTpi0

Download here

Create Awesome Abstract Nebula Circle Shape in Photoshop (tutorial)

In this tutorial, I will show the steps I took to create this Create Awesome Abstract Nebula Circle Shape in Photoshop. This is an intermediate level tutorial so some steps can be a little tricky for beginners, but why not have a try!  Along the way, I will show you how you can combine the liquify filter with nebula texture and cloud to render some very interesting effect :)


piektdiena, 2011. gada 7. janvāris

Blue Foundation - Eyes On Fire

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/6016905]


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHBeF1HlBsM]

Moss - Silent Shout (Live in Glasgow) (video)

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/18460088]

Biker with Light Effects in Photoshop (Tutorial)

Hello dear Psdeluxe readers. Today we offer you to learn a light effect techniques in Photoshop. In this photoshop tutorial our friend Richardo will share one of his tricks how he works with light effects in Photoshop artworks. In this tutorial you will learn how easily using Adobe Photoshop you can create such a biker light effect. In tutorial all steps are described in details, so I think you will have no difficulty learning this effect.


Create a Vibrant Colorful Alcohol Product Ad in Photoshop (Tutorial)

Alcohol is one of the most commonly advertised products on the planet.  During major sporting events such as the Superbowl, the World Cup and the Olympics, companies spend millions on TV advertisements, and also product advertisements in banner and billboard format at the sporting venue itself.  However, because alcohol is a liquid, it can be very difficult to design around since liquid stock images require significant more attention during isolation and blending in order to appear realistic.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a vibrant, colorful alcoholic product advertisement in Adobe Photoshop, using some easy techniques and quality stock images.  You’ll learn how to deal with liquid stock images, how to take a brand image and create elements to match, and how to work with colors and composition for a brilliant result.


100+Vintage ,Old or Burnt Paper Textures (Downloads)


Making of the Imaginary Splat Paint Dancers in Photshop (Tutorial)

I came across the amazing set of Paint Tossing freebies from Media Militia the other day and thought that I must create some artwork with them. So I visited my favorite Mjranum’s stock gallery again and done up this tutorial. Hope you will like it.


ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 6. janvāris

Hinterland - VOIXSMUSIK (video)

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/8343082]

(video ar izdomu - prieks skatīties)

Danny Elfman - The Little Things

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leJAPiaCx2c]

diemžēl video nav, bet tas nav būtiski galvenais ir dziemas kura man ļoti patīk

Balam Acab - Big Boy (video)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3NjyMSUSAo]

Awesome digital bokeh effect in Photoshop (tutorial)

Our last Wallpaper of the Week was an image I had created using Pixelmator, and I really liked the outcome. The best part about it was that it was pretty easy to accomplish in Pixelmator, but I decided for perspective's sake to create the same effect in Photoshop. The process is easy as well, but with a few extra steps.


Best Flyers and Posters Collection

Flyer design collection, poster design inspiration, gig flyers, club flyers, music flyers, festival posters, party flyers, rock posters, gig posters, rave flyers and everything else you need for flyer design ideas or poster design ideas.


Abduzeedo 2011 Poster in Illustrator and Photoshop (Tutorial)

Last week I decided to come up with a new variation of the Abduzeedo symbol, as I have been doing this every year pretty much since the beginning of the blog. So for this year my ideas was to create something more minimalistic with a sort of vintage style. I also wanted to reduce the light effects, make them very subtle.


33 Creative Photoshop Tutorials Text Effects (Tutorial)

In creating texts for your images- whether it be for logos or headlines- we are given the option to make it more lively or to make it plain and simple… However, nowadays, ‘too simple’ is not quite the standard in designs. Of course, as designers, we know people tend to expect too much. Following several guidelines and tips, we can create out-of-this-world images and unique designs right from our fingertips.


Vintage Coloring Effect Photoshop (Tutorial)




Create a Refreshing Beer Themed Poster Design in Photoshop (tutorial)

When you create a print advertisement, it’s important that all the elements of your composition are geared towards selling a product and promoting a brand. Today, we will demonstrate how to create a refreshing beer-themed poster design in Photoshop.


trešdiena, 2011. gada 5. janvāris

Pop Art Inspired by Lichtenstein (tutorial)

Pop Art Recommended for Beginner to Intermediate Level Photoshop Users

You can create the benday dot effect by using the Colour Halftone filter found in Adobe Photoshop, however in this tutorial I’m going to show you a way to create a fantastic looking black and white Halftone Pattern. “Why?”, because I like the look of it better.


Photoshop Backgrounds (Downloads)

Well there is no denying to the fact that Photoshop Backgrounds hold a special position when designers talk about background. These can be used in ads, banners, graphics or just as a artwork. Whether you are using a texture pattern or an abstract artwork, Photoshop Backgrounds are there to add more charm and attention to your artwork.

(neiesaku lejuplādēt visus ar cerību ka gan jau noderēs, pēc tam tikai netiksiet galā un neizmantosiet nevienu :)   )


Vintage Effect for Photos (tutorial)

This is step by step Photoshop tutorial that teaches you how to create vintage effect for your photo using simple tools, filters, levels and layer style effects.


The Dø - Slippery Slope (video)

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/17165260]

PAUS - Lupiter Deacon (video)

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/18056313]

Show me the light – digital art ( photoshop tutorial )

In this photoshop tutorial I will show you how to use stock images to make a beautiful digital artwork with nicely colored lights. All you need for this tutorial is my Colors in Motion textures pack and a model.


SHOW featuring KITO & MIGHTY MOE (downloads)

Malla – Awdreyf – Dub
Lost – Blip – Dub
Kutz – Untitled – Dub
Benga – Chemical Compound – Dub
Lost Vs Benton – Gertrudes Revenge – Dub
Skream – Eye – Dub
Bengo – Nitro – Dub
Kito – Sweet Talk – Dub
Hudson Mohawke – Puse – Dub
Guido – Mad Sax – Dub
J. Kamata & 2000F – You Don’t Know What Love Is – Dub
Mensah – Big Up – Dub
Super BK – Find Your Way (Mensah Remix) – Dub
Spor – Pacifica – Dub
Benga – Ruff Stuff – Dub
Mensah – Untitled – Dub
Maua – Education – Dub
Skream – 4 x 4 – Dub
Kutz – Untitled – Dub
Skream – Melody – Dub
Sukh Night – Untitled – Dub
Noah D – Serious VIP – Dub
Vaccine – Fever (Kito Remix) – Disfigured Dubz
Kito – Don’t Wanna Lose You – Disfigured Dubz
Emalkay – Crusader – Dub
Boddika – Boddikas House – Dub
Kito ft Reija Lee – LFO – Disfigured Dubz

Download Here


Skilf - Detonate (video)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaYFvqNZOa0]

Time-Saving Photoshop Actions for Photo Retouching (Tutorial Included)

Photoshop actions are really useful especially for amateur users.The main purpose of the actions is to make the photo editing and photo retouching very easily.If you are working with many photos everyday,you don’t have to edit each photo one by one.You play the action for the photo and in a few seconds,the recorded action applies the effects to the photo.



[vimeo http://vimeo.com/13768876]

otrdiena, 2011. gada 4. janvāris

Uptown Camp - It Noh Funny (video)

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/18299435]

Uptown Camp reflix The Warriors and Linton Kwesi Johnson's dub poem

2010 Best Textures and Patterns (Downloads)

They’re great for easily adding lots of interest and depth to a design, whether it be a huge background pattern or just some subtle textures here and there. So to continue our “Best of 2010″ series, this week we’re covering textures and patterns. We’ve seen a lot of them this year, but some really stood out. So here’s our picks for best textures and patterns of 2010. We picked our favorites, but tried to include a mixture of styles.


Creating Scalable Textures Within Illustrator (Tutorial)

Sometimes it’s just quicker to apply a raster texture on top of a piece of vector art to take your work to the next level. However doing this prevents the work from being entirely scalable. For some this is not so much of an issue, but for many this is a big deal. In today’s tutorial I’d like to show you a way to achieve texture in your vector art without the need of raster assistance.


To get newest info about this blog, follow  twitter.com/Opauga

High Quality Patterns Resources

When used well, patterns can be a great way to add an extra element to your designs that take them to the next level in terms of aesthetics. Creating your own repeating patterns is one way to go about this, but it’s not always something you want to spend a lot of time on, especially if you’re working with a tight budget. And why reinvent the wheel when there are thousands of patterns out there that could work?


To get newest info about this blog, follow  twitter.com/Opauga

Oren Lavie - Her Morning Elegance (video)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_HXUhShhmY]

The Making of Golden Sunrise in a Fairy Land by Stas Lobachev (Tutorial)

To create a realistic matte painting, or any artwork for that matter, it is important to understand the properties of light, atmospherics, color and perspective.  Proper perspective and use of light can bring out the true scale and depth to any image, while using the wrong lighting or perspective can make the artwork feel pasted together, or make it seem as though it is a miniature model instead of a realistically scaled image.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to take a concept, develop it using linear perspective, then add in value and color perspectives, and then apply photographic references to achieve a realistic matte painting.  You’ll then learn how to apply adjustments to achieve realistic scale, and understand the properties of light and atmospherics for realism.  Lastly, you’ll learn some great compositional techniques.


To get newest info about this blog, follow  twitter.com/Opauga

Create a Dark and Gloomy Photo Manipulation in Photoshop (Tutorial)

Photoshop is great because it allows us to combine several images into a scene that can’t always be created in real life. In today’s tutorial we will demonstrate how to combine several stock images into one gloomy scene. Let’s get started!


To get newest info about this blog, follow  twitter.com/Opauga

Design a Paint Splashing Effect In Photoshop (Tutorial)

Create this sophisticated looking design with this step by step tutorial with the help of Media Militia’s awesome paint tossing pack. Yes, its easier than you think!

This particular design was featured and printed in the recently held Graphika Manila 2010 as one of the design contribution of Team Manila.


Orelha Negra ft. Orlando Santos - Since you've been gonne

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/18263780]

Produced by Nebula studios ( nebula-studios.com )
Music video for Orelha Negra ( orelhanegra.com or myspace.com/ ​orelhanegra )

Special thanks to Vera Silva and Orlando Santos

Thanks to Nuno Oliveira, Rita Clara , Raquel Sousa, Inês Rodrigues , Cristina Pereira.


[vimeo http://vimeo.com/10871867]

brooklyn, new york, september 2007


images by vincent moon
sounds by chryde
edit by nat le scouarnec
produced by la blogotheque

pirmdiena, 2011. gada 3. janvāris

Planet X Matte Painting in Photoshop (tutorial)

In today's feature film industry, productions are in constant need of digital set extensions or matte painting, the correct term for this type of work. If you don't know exactly what it is, a matte painting is a painted representation of a landscape, set, or distant location that allows filmmakers to create the illusion of an environment that would otherwise be too expensive or impossible to build or visit.


Realistic Panoramic Matte Painting in Photoshop (tutorial)

Matte paintings are images commonly used in the film industry to create the illusion of an environment that would otherwise be too expensive or impossible to build. In this tutorial I will show you how to turn a single stock photo into a realistic panoramic scene.
